MSC: 41A63, 65Y20, 68Q25
DOI: 10.21538/0134-4889-2018-24-4-283-294
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11471043, 11671271) and by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 1172004). Jie Zhang is the corresponding author.
We first discuss the relative Kolmogorov nn-widths of classes of smooth 2π2π-periodic functions for which the modulus of continuity of their rr-th derivatives does not exceed a given modulus of continuity, and then discuss the best restricted approximation of classes of smooth bounded functions defined on the real axis RR such that the modulus of continuity of their rr-th derivatives does not exceed a given modulus of continuity by taking the classes of the entire functions of exponential type as approximation tools. Asymptotic results are obtained for these two problems.
Keywords: modulus of continuity, best restricted approximation, average width
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Received August 31, 2018
Revised October 25, 2018
Accepted October 29, 2018
Yongping Liu, Prof., School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China, e-mail:
Guiqiao Xu, Prof., School of Mathematical Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300387, China, e-mail:
Jie Zhang, Dr., School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China, e-mail: