V.I. Filippov. Integer expansion of elements from spaces of nonintegrable functions into Fourier-type series in systems of contractions and shifts of one function ... P. 286-300

We present results on the expansion of elements of the spaces $L_p(0,1)$, $0 <p <1 $, into systems of functions that are contractions and shifts of one function. New algorithms are designed for the expansion of functions into Fourier-type series in these systems with integer coefficients. The expansions produced by the proposed methods have the property of image compression, i.e., a large number of expansion coefficients are zeros. The results may be of interest to specialists in the transmission and processing of digital information and to other researchers who have a need to expand nonintegrable functions into series in systems of contractions and shifts of one function.

Keywords: functional systems of contractions and shifts of one function of the space $L_p (0,1)$ with $0<p<1$, Fourier-type series with integer coefficients, digital processing, information transmission

Received August 21, 2024

Revised November 4, 2024

Accepted November 18, 2024

Vadim Ivanovich Filippov, Dr. Phys.-Math. Sci., Prof., Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, Saratov, 410031 Russia, email: 888vadim@mail.ru


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Cite this article as: V.I. Filippov. Integer expansion of elements from spaces of nonintegrable functions into Fourier-type series in systems of contractions and shifts of one function. Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 2024, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 286–300.