In this paper, we introduce commutative, but generally not associative, groupoids $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$ consisting of idempotents. The groupoid $ (\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N}),+)$ is closely related to the multilayer feedforward neural networks $\mathcal{N}$ (hereinafter just a neural network). It turned out that in such neural networks, specifying a subnet of a fixed neural network is tantamount to specifying some special tuple composed of finite sets of neurons in the original network. All special tuples defining some subnet of the neural network $\mathcal{N}$ are contained in the set $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$. The rest of the tuples from $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$ also have a neural network interpretation. Thus, $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})=F_1\cup F_2$, where $F_1$ is the set of tuples that induce subnets and $F_2$ is the set of other tuples. If two subnets of a neural network are specified, then two cases arise. In the first case, a new subnet can be obtained from these subnets by merging the sets of all neurons of these subnets. In the second case, such a merger is impossible due to neural network reasons. The operation $(+)$ for any tuples from $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$ returns a tuple that induces a subnet or returns a neutral element that does not induce subnets. In particular, if for two elements from $F_1$ the operation $(+)$ returns a neutral element, then the subnets induced by these elements cannot be combined into one subnet. For any two elements from $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$, the operation has a neural network interpretation. In this paper, we study the algebraic properties of the groupoids $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$ and construct some classes of endomorphisms of such groupoids. It is shown that every subnet $\mathcal{N}'$ of the net $\mathcal{N}$ defines a subgroupoid $T$ in the groupoid $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N})$ isomorphic to $\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N}')$. It is proved that for every finite monoid $G$ there is a neural network $\mathcal{N}$ such that $G$ is isomorphically embeddable into the monoid of all endomorphisms $\mathrm {End}(\mathrm{AGS}(\mathcal{N}))$. This statement is the main result of the work.
Keywords: groupoid endomorphism, multilayer feedforward neural networks, multilayer neural network subnet
Received January 11, 2021
Revised February 14, 2021
Accepted February 24, 2021
Funding Agency: This work is supported by the Krasnoyarsk Mathematical Center and financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the framework of the establishment and development of regional Centers for Mathematics Research and Education (Agreement No. 075-02-2020-1534/1).
Andrey Viktorovich Litavrin, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia, e-mail:
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Cite this article as: A.V. Litavrin. Endomorphisms of finite commutative groupoids related with multilayer feedforward neural networks, Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 2021, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 130–145.